Gefilte Fish Out of Water

Heating Up
March 13, 2010, 10:01 pm
Filed under: Work | Tags: , , ,

Really just a quick note to say that my consulting business is progressing very nicely.  I am very busy, and enjoying my work very much.  I’m trying new things and seeing good results with them, and I’m gaining new clients, too.

I’m not going to talk about specific clients on here anymore, because I don’t think it’s smart.  They may not appreciate it; why risk it?  Also, it’s just not necessary to be that specific for this blog to work.

Since I last posted, I:

  • Created an online press room for a client and widely-yet-targeted distributed a press release for them
  • Started following-up on the press release and already generated some coverage for them (much more to come)
  • Started a Facebook fan page for my 3rd client
  • Designed and launched a Facebook gifting application (!!!) for a client that’s already been used 400 times !!!
  • Had a job interview for a 4th client and am working on my first power-point presentation for them on spec.

I’ve been working very, very hard – but it’s been very, very fun! 

Petey’s Famous !
January 10, 2010, 1:45 am
Filed under: Petey | Tags: , ,

LOL, sometimes karma can be so much fun.  For years during my PR career, I would send Profnets to my friends, when I thought they could get into a story.  Profnets are – or at least were; are they still around? – a service where reporters would post queries about sources they were looking to interview for stories they were working on.  I’d see one called Women’s Magazine Story on New Mom of Twins and send it to my friend Amy, or – aw hell, it’s late, you get the idea.

Anyway, my friend and colleague Jenny Chang – Fox 5 !! sends me a link to a HARO – which is basically a free service that everyone in PR switched to that helped kill Profnet – with a note saying, OMG, you have to answer this !!! It was about a guy doing a book on people who created Facebook pages for their pets.  (Actually, it turned out not to be for the book; it was only for a blog post to promote the book; whatevs.)  I sent the guy an email and never heard back.  I thought I would’ve heard something; we were the perfect source the query was looking for.

Then, I get an email this week from the guy’s PR guy.  They used my email in the promo blog post.  Cheeseballs that I was used to sell the book instead of being in it.  But like I said – whatevs.  And Petey is on his way to being the star I know his is…

Check out our awesomeness.