Gefilte Fish Out of Water

Happy #Tweetsgiving
November 25, 2009, 12:36 pm
Filed under: Preaching, Published Columns | Tags: , ,

My friend and the owner of consulting firm Community Organizer 2.0, Debra, asked me to participate in something called #Tweetsgiving.  An annual 48-hour event pegged to Thanksgiving, the project encourages people to blog, tweet, share and host parties about gratitude.  All grants and donations raised by the project go to trick-out an elementary school in Arusha, Tanzania with computers and other high-tech learning tools.  (Last year’s #Tweetsgiving helped fund efforts to build a new classroom at the same school.)

Anyway, I made my contribution this week’s iGoogledIsrael column, so check it out, please.  I also encourage you to add the tag #tweetsgiving to all your tweets ) and follow @TweetsGiving (if you’re on Twitter), include a link to in your posts (if you’re a blogger), or just plain old donate.

The U.S. nonprofit behind the project is called Epic Change.