Gefilte Fish Out of Water

Petey’s Spot
February 27, 2010, 10:57 pm
Filed under: Petey

Sorry if you’re creeped out by the thought of dog poop, but I just had to include this post, b/c I think it’s funny.  I’ve noticed that Petey has a favorite spot to poop, and what really cracks me up is that it’s this private spot, behind a low wall.  For some reason, I’m like kinda proud that my boy prefers a little privacy when he does his business.  (On a scale of 1-10, how weird is it that this makes me proud?)

He’ll poop someplace else if the need arises, but the wall is near the start of our walks, so if he has to go, he’ll time it so he can “drop his kids off at the pool” right there, every time.  Sorry, but LOL!

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hello! one of my dogs is very specific about where he’ll poop, too. he likes his privacy. i’ve noticed that he will do it faster if i look away or just let him free to do it. we live in a moshav with lots of open space so that’s not a problem. Dino is a 11 years old so he also does a couple of spins before he actually drops the kids off at the pool. kind of a warm up routine i guess.

i enjoy your blog posts even though i don’t always comment. you crack me up! 🙂

Comment by blanche and guy

Hi, Blanche! This is so nice to hear. I’m glad you enjoy my blog; that makes me feel terrific, actually. Thanks! Hope all is well. See you at the next blog event, whenever that is.

Comment by skatp

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